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Avoiding Landscaping Mistakes

October 20, 2019
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As you prepare to move into your new home in Columbus, you’re probably thinking a lot about the interior decoration and making plans on where to put everything to make it look warm and welcoming. Yet you should give your yard, both front and back, just as much attention. After all curb appeal matters and makes a big impression. Here are some tips on how to avoid typical landscaping mistakes and what your best course of action should be.

This is the season when yards start to produce a fair amount of waste, especially if you have a number of trees planted. Make the most of fallen leaves, trimmed branches, clippings and any other organic waste your yard creates and turn it into mulch, fertilizer, and create a compost bin. You can easily rent a shredder to create your own mulch. Put your lawn clippings back down to serve as a fertilizer, and create a compost bin by layering food scraps with yard waste. The result is an incredibly rich fertilizer that will serve you throughout the year.

When it comes to mowing your yard, think twice before cutting it extra short. It won’t reduce the frequency of mowing and can potentially cause problems, such as bare patches that can leave it open to disease. The key is to focus on the season. Let the grass grow longer during the summer to provide some extra shade and prevent water from quickly evaporating. During the winter is when you want to consider cutting the grass shorter to allow more sunlight to reach the ground.

As for watering, most lawns need only about an inch of water per week. It’s better to water both the lawn and most plants in the early morning so they have time to dry. Evening watering can lead to too much sogginess.

Fertilizer can be tricky, but it must be done. Ideally, ask someone at a local garden center or nursery to recommend a good fertilizer for your particular yard, depending on the grass type, size, etc. You don’t want to over fertilize. Ideally, do it twice a year, in the spring and fall, avoiding overly bright sunlight, and be sure to follow up with watering. It’s also a good idea to mix in some fertilizer when you’re planting, making sure to mix the fertilizer and soil well so that the plants have more fertilizer to draw from throughout the year.

Inevitably, weeds will pop up. Life gets in the way and it’s hard to stay on top of your yard maintenance. When this happens, don’t turn to the pesticides. No matter how convenient they may seem, the reality is that they’re poison. They can work their way into your soil and potentially ruin other plants, and even any vegetables and herbs you might be growing. They also get rid of beneficial bugs, such as bees and butterflies, even if they do get rid of plant pests. Look for non-poisonous options and commit to the fact that you’re going to have to dig up those dandelions all the way down to the base of the root.

Finally, when it comes to the plants you choose, think about their placement but also make sure you mix things up. Know your yard and where you get sunlight throughout the day. Then choose the appropriate plants for those areas of your yard. Also, by mixing up the types of plants you grow, you don’t have to worry about the plants leaching out all of the minerals and nutrients. It does help to rotate plants occasionally to give them fresh terrain. Local nurseries and garden centers are more likely to know which plants grow best in the Columbus area and can help you get a sense of how big certain plants and trees will grow so you can make sure they’re placed correctly in your yard.

With some careful planning and a fair amount of digging in the dirt, the yard of your new home in Columbus can become truly inviting and be one that makes everyone smile. A few trees for shade, some colorful flowers for the various seasons, and careful maintenance go a long way in creating a home with curb appeal that you can enjoy seeing every single day.

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This post was written by Grayhawk Homes